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MiniLit and MacqLit


At North Kalgoorlie Primary School our vision is to provide engaging and challenging educational experiences that target all students. Our whole school coordinated approach to learning ensures that all students have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of background, gender, culture or ability. A safe environment, where expectations and boundaries are clear and consistent, will underpin the learning environment and our four core values. We will work together to develop innovative strategies and programs that respond to the needs of our students and community because we believe, every child matters.

PRIORITY 1: Differentiating the Curriculum

We have rigorous assessment procedures to monitor and measure the progress of all students and make plans for improvement using the results. Teachers can access a bank of resources to cater for students at educational risk, including:

  • High and low achievers

  • Indigenous

  • ​and English as an Additional Language.



The Mini Lit program comprises of 80 lessons that are delivered 4-5 times per week. A placement test indicates the ideal starting point on the program for each student, with criteria provided for grouping students according to instructional level. Regular assessments administered throughout the program monitor students’ progress. Each lesson comprises of three main components:

  • Sounds and Word Activities

  • Text Reading

  • Story Book Reading


Multi Lit is an extensively research-based programme that has been developed for low progress readers. It employs explicit, systemic individual instruction focusing on what scientific research has shown to be the essential components of learning to read, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

The role of the Special Needs Team is to provide additional support for students who are not achieving at year level or those students who display gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Standardised test results, NAPLAN results, school reports, report
s from external specialists as well as parent information are used to determine students requiring additional support.

Special Needs Education Assistants:
Christine Borchet
Gill Spooner
Raelene Shaw


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