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Welcome to Room 16 Year 2 
Mrs Kelly and Mrs Lawrence 

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Term 1 Learning

ENGLISH - In Term 1, the students write recounts of personal events that have happened and retells of known stories. They are reading decodable texts in pairs to gain fluency of the target sound they are focussing on. Spelling and Dictation will be a routine daily practice with a focus sound concept of the week. 

MATHS - The focus for Term 1 is revision of Year 1 concepts and consolidating basic number facts and mental maths strategies, such as counting on and counting back without using fingers or blocks. The students will also be working with numbers to 250 and telling the time to the quarter hour. 

H.A.S.S. - Term 1 is all about History. The students will learn about artefacts and changes over time in daily lives and technology.

Visual Arts - The elements of art will be explored in Term 1. The elements include: colour, line, shape, texture, value, space, shape and pattern. 

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