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Term One

Welcome to Year One in Room 14! I was so excited to see all the new faces coming into the classroom in week 1. I will update the classroom page each term with some samples of the amazing work and activities your children will be doing. For now, here are some important things to remember.

This is our class timetable. If there are any changes I will notify via a connect notice and update the website as soon as I can. You will notice there is no Music on there this year - we currently don't have a music specialist so we will do some sort of Performance Art (music, dance, drama) as a class on a Friday afternoon. Please remember sport on Wednesday - hat, water bottle and appropriate shoes - and Library on Thursday - students need a library bag (this is separate/in addition to their home reader folder).

News will be each week starting Monday 12th February (week 3). Students are asked to present a 2-5 minute presentation on something they bring in to show us or something they have done. The rest of the class then has the opportunity to ask questions about their news. They do not have to present every week however, I would encourage them to present as often as possible. If there is a Public holiday they will present on the next school day - if the public holiday is a Friday they will be able to present on the Thursday before.

The whole school created a flower to add to our Harmony Day display. This display is in the hall if you haven't had a chance to look yet.

Each student in Room 14 created a weaved Easter basket as part of our Easter art rotations. Most students took them home on the last day of Term 1.

We were lucky enough to be able to attend a free Soccer Workshop at the end of Term 1. Students had a great time leaning some basic soccer skills and practising to shoot goals and dribble the ball. 

Term Two.

Room 14 enjoyed creating a poppy and leaf to go onto our classroom wreath that was presented at the whole school ANZAC assembly in week 2. We also made ANZAC cookies in class and students were able to take these home.

Amazing work coming soon......

Term Three.

Term Four.

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